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загрузить бесплатную программу FBackup

FBackup is free for both personal and commercial use. It does not require any additional downloads to work. FBackup is compatible with the following operating systems: Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista, Server 2025/2022/2019/2016/2012/2008 (x86/x64)

FBackup 9

Version:   9.9.969   |   Список изменений

Supported operating systems:

Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista, Server 2025/2022/2019/2016/2012/2008 (x86/x64)

More than downloads!

Additional downloads

User ManualFBackup was designed to be very simple to use, however if you want you can download and look through its user manual for details on how to use it.

User Manual (PDF)

End-user license agreementFBackup has an End-User License Agreement (EULA) that you have to agree to during the installation in order to be able to start using it.


Get more featuresBackup4all is the premium backup solution, click on 'Compare' to see the main differences between it and FBackup.

FBackup vs Backup4all

Скачайте FBackup прямо сейчас!

FBackup бесплатна для персонального и коммерческого использования и работает в Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP, Server 2019/2016/2012/2008/2003 (32/64-bit). Скачайте её прямо сейчас и защитите Ваши важные данные.

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We always recommend downloading and installing the latest version of FBackup, but if for some reason you want to install a previous version, you can find those in the Previous Versions section.